
Hermano - When the Moon was High Vinyl LP | White

04.10.2024 Art. Nr.: RIPLP236/B1 Ripple Music
  • Beschreibung


“We are so incredibly thankful to be able to bring new music to both new fans and those who have followed Hermano for the last twenty-six years. We are looking eagerly forward to continuing this reissues and special editions journey with Ripple . . . so hang onto your hats because we have a lot more coming and a long way to go. Breathing new life into our catalog and having the opportunity to release special collections like Breathe, well, it is an especially 'dream-come-true' time for all of us. For that, and to all who have continued to stay interested, thank you.”
John, Dave, Mike, Chris, and Dandy

white vinyl

* inkl. MwSt., zzgl. Versandkosten

Die durchgestrichenen Preise entsprechen dem bisherigen Preis bei Ripple Music.

SPKR ist ein vielfältiges, unabhängiges Medienunternehmen, das sich auf die Entdeckung und Vervielfältigung, den Vertrieb und die Präsentation hochwertiger Musik und Kunst versteht.